Kontack - howto interact with Exchange server calendar/contactlist

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Superbrief howto setup kontact to interact with Exchange server.

Just set it up normally for imap


We'll be using webdav to connect up:

  1. Add "Calendar on Exchange server (experimental)"
  2. Setup URL to reflect: "webdav://<exchangeserver_host>/exchange/<username_you_want_to_connect_too>/kalender"
  3. User: "<AD>\<user>" (like test@test)


  1. Add an LDAP contactlist
  2. User: "<username>@<AD_Host>" (like "test@test.local")
  3. Port: 389
  4. Version: 2
  5. DN: First try and query the server for autofill, else add something like "DC=test,DC=local" (in ref. to the above test user)
  6. Security: No
  7. Authentification: Simple