Shell scripting - goodies

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Input from scripts/outside

$$ = The PID number of the process executing the shell.
$? = Exit status variable.
$0 = The name of the command you used to call a program.
$1 = The first argument on the command line.
$2 = The second argument on the command line.
$n = The nth argument on the command line.
$* = All the arguments on the command line.
$# The number of command line arguments. 



Checks available (if [ -<check> ])

-b file = True if the file exists and is block special file.
-c file = True if the file exists and is character special file.
-d file = True if the file exists and is a directory.
-e file = True if the file exists.
-f file = True if the file exists and is a regular file
-g file = True if the file exists and the set-group-id bit is set.
-k file = True if the files' "sticky" bit is set.
-L file = True if the file exists and is a symbolic link.
-p file = True if the file exists and is a named pipe.
-r file = True if the file exists and is readable.
-s file = True if the file exists and its size is greater than zero.
-s file = True if the file exists and is a socket.
-t fd = True if the file descriptor is opened on a terminal.
-u file = True if the file exists and its set-user-id bit is set.
-w file = True if the file exists and is writable.
-x file = True if the file exists and is executable.
-O file = True if the file exists and is owned by the effective user id.
-G file = True if the file exists and is owned by the effective group id.
file1 –nt file2 = True if file1 is newer, by modification date, than file2.
file1 ot file2 = True if file1 is older than file2.
file1 ef file2 = True if file1 and file2 have the same device and inode numbers.
-z string = True if the length of the string is 0.
-n string = True if the length of the string is non-zero.
string1 = string2 = True if the strings are equal.
string1 != string2 = True if the strings are not equal.
!expr = True if the expr evaluates to false.
expr1 –a expr2 = True if both expr1 and expr2 are true.
expr1 –o expr2 = True is either expr1 or expr2 is true. 

If (string and numeric check)

(1) s1 = s2
(2) s1 != s2
(3) s1 < s2
(4) s1 > s2
(5) -n s1
(6) -z s1
(1) s1 matches s2
(2) s1 does not match s2
(3) __TO-DO__
(4) __TO-DO__
(5) s1 is not null (contains one or more characters)
(6) s1 is null

            if [ $S1=$S2 ];
                    echo "S1('$S1') is not equal to S2('$S2')"
            if [ $S1=$S1 ];
                    echo "S1('$S1') is equal to S1('$S1')"

11.4 Arithmetic relational operators

-lt (<)
-gt (>)
-le (<=)
-ge (>=)
-eq (==)
-ne (!=) 



for NAME [in LIST ]; do COMMANDS; done
EX: for i in `cat list`; do cp "$i" "$i".bak ; done