Varnish ssl

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Varnish SSL

If you just want roundrobin ssl forwards to your ssl servers (with no ssl residing on the varnish cache) - we just create a wrapper to that port:


# Define the list of backends (web servers).
# Port 80 Backend Servers
backend web1 { .host = ""; .probe = { .url = "/status.php"; .interval = 5s; .timeout = 1s; .window = 5;.threshold = 3; }}
backend web2 { .host = ""; .probe = { .url = "/status.php"; .interval = 5s; .timeout = 1s; .window = 5;.threshold = 3; }}

# Port 443 Backend Servers for SSL
backend web1_ssl { .host = ""; .port = "443"; .probe = { .url = "/status.php"; .interval = 5s; .timeout = 1 s; .window = 5;.threshold = 3; }}
backend web2_ssl { .host = ""; .port = "443"; .probe = { .url = "/status.php"; .interval = 5s; .timeout = 1 s; .window = 5;.threshold = 3; }}

# Define the director that determines how to distribute incoming requests.
director default_director round-robin {
  { .backend = web1; }
  { .backend = web2; }

director ssl_director round-robin {
  { .backend = web1_ssl; }
  { .backend = web2_ssl; }

# Respond to incoming requests.
sub vcl_recv {
  # Set the director to cycle between web servers.
  if (server.port == 443) {
    set req.backend = ssl_director;
  else {
   set req.backend = default_director;